Last weekend I went to Miami. That's right: Miami.
Anyway, I have friends that live down there and they invited me down for the weekend. It was so much fun! I way bad needed a vacation, and that was a perfect place to go. I had so much fun hanging out with my friends, and it was 80 degrees all weekend long.
Friday night was the big Halloween party. I dressed up as Cleopatra this year.
I didn't get back to Kimmie's place until about 4 in the morning, so I slept until noon the next day, but when I did finally drag myself out of bed, Kimmie, Vinnie, and Alejandro showed me around town. We went to South Beach, which was awesome. I know it's ironic because I really hate (read 'am terrified of') the ocean, but I way love the beach. So long as sharks don't grow legs and learn to walk, I could totally be a beach bum. Anyway, it started raining, so we headed indoors. They showed me their school, which was fun to see. There was even a little montage of pictures from Spain. Then we headed back to Kimmie's. The rain was coming down pretty hard, and we soon lost power. We were all starving so we decided to drive around town until we found some place that still had power and ended up at Applebees where I had a Blondie, and life was good. :)
Anyway, it was a great weekend. I had so much fun hanging out with my friends; it was a much needed break. I'm glad I was able to go down! I told them all they needed to come visit me, but there was unanimous consent to wait until winter was over. Who wouldn't want to come visit NY in the winter?... :P
Oh, the beach looks is snowing here today! Ahhhh! On the plus side, it is starting to get that holiday feel, so I guess I shouldn't complain. Glad you had a fun break, Abby! You make a great Cleopatra!