Thursday, December 16, 2010
After you get where you're going, take off your shoes and your socks then walk around on the rug bare foot and make fists with your toes
Finals, as everything, came with their scandals and gossip. On Friday, after my federal civil procedure final, we got an email from the Dean of Academic Affairs (who also happened to be my civ pro teacher. Anyway). Apparently some people had been caught cheating. You could literally feel the anger coming out of that email. Dean Mayer ended the email by saying that anyone who had cheated should voluntarily withdraw because they do not meet the minimum qualifications to work in this profession. Which is true. If you have "I cheated" on your transcript, the possibility that you will pass the bar are slim to none. Despite what people think about lawyers, we actually do have an ethics code. The bar consists of the actual exam and an ethics exam. You also have to pass an apparently very vigorous ethics shakedown, like a background check but much more personal. At any rate, being a cheater doesn't bode well for passing a very vigorous ethics shakedown. And, though I try to remember mercy and forgiveness and all that, I have to say I think they deserve what they get. Not only did the majority of us work our asses off for these exams, but after the cheaters were caught none of us could go to the bathroom during the exam. They're four hours long!! Oh sigh. I'm so glad they're over. 1 semester down, 5 to go...
Anyway, I'm currently sitting in the Albany airport. Yeah!! It's snowing, so I'm hoping that my flight won't get delayed. It looks like everything is still on schedule, so here's hoping! I can't wait to be home. I'm so excited to see everyone. All my friends were talking about how excited they were to finish finals and go get wasted with their friends back home. I'm sure they thought I was a little dorky when I said I was excited to finish finals and go home and dance around the Christmas tree with the fam. I don't care. There's plenty of time to go party with friends, but I only get to see the fam for three weeks, so we're gonna party Brinkerhoff style! And I'm so excited! I expect much laughing, dancing, playing games, and - of course - dancing. Probably throw some singing in there too. I can't wait to see my sisters and my bro, the kiddies, even the dogs! And of course, my Mom! SG here I come! I hope you're ready; NY has made me a little crazy...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
We think of the greatest stuff down here, but then I can never remember any of it later.
Law school exams are definitely more intense than any other test I have ever taken in my entire life. The stress level on campus is.... up. On the advice of my mentor, I have stayed away from the library (that's where all the crazies are). It's probably a good thing too. I've had to woosah myself a few times. Yesterday, I even had to take a break from studying negligence and clean my bathroom b/c I was on the verge of freaking out. But my bathroom is nice and clean though, so you know, that's good.
I'm always amazed at the ability humans have to gossip. It's absolutely incredible how quickly information spreads. The latest information spreading about the school, besides who did well on their exams last year and why they did well, is who has dropped out. I knew there were people in my class who were having a second go at law school. Apparently one of those people has dropped out. Right before finals. And apparently she wasn't doing very well, so everyone is upset that she left b/c she would have helped the curve. You see what law school does to people? Plus, I'm not sure how everyone knows how she did on the research exam. If I did that bad, I wouldn't tell a damn soul. Who knows, it's probably all distorted, but she has been mysteriously absent since Thanksgiving. I hope she didn't get sick on bad turkey! If she did, she has an entire torts class to choose from to represent her. Assuming we all pass.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Some guy in a wolf costume with a light saber just said hi to you.
I've been working on my Objective Memo for my lawyering class. Bleh. That's due on Tuesday, and then (hopefully) I'll get to zip down to Kentucky and see my Dad for a bit. That would be wonderful! Then, one more week of classes until the dreaded finals week arrives!! I'm freaking out a little about that, but only a little.
Anyway, I have my schedule for next semester! Assuming I don't fail everything this semester, I will be taking: criminal law, constitutional law, property, and then I continue with contracts and intro to lawyering. I'm excited for criminal law and constitutional law! I think those will be fun courses. I'm less excited for property law, but who knows? Maybe it'll turn out to be my favorite subject. Unlikely.
I haven't had many adventures of late. I have been holed up in my apartment since last Friday. Seriously. I go to class, and then I come home and sit on my futon and study. It's so depressing. My living room is a disaster: textbooks, notes, supplemental materials strewn all over the place. I wonder if this is what a mad lawyer's office would look like? You know, like a mad scientist has a lab with chemicals perched precariously in every inch of the room. I wonder if a mad lawyer's office would be like this, legal texts, memos, and case briefs strewn higgledy-piggledy throughout the office. Well, if that's true, I may emerge from law school a totally crazy super genius with glasses and a tweed coat. Totally crazy? check. Super genius?... Well, I've got 2.5 more years for that. Glasses and a tweed coat?... oh what the hell. Why not?
Monday, November 8, 2010
I'm sorry Professor; I must not tell lies.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Remember, Remember, the 5th of November
Anyway, in school news, I did ok on my exam. Not as well as I had hoped, but still a decent score. Just means I need to study harder for my next exams. Anyway, I'm writing another article for The Issue, this time about the Arizona Immigration Law. There were a bunch of clubs that co-sponsored a symposium on the issue. That was last night, and it was interesting. I have so much research and information though, I don't know how I'm going to weed through it all. Hopefully I'll end up with a coherent, informative article!!
I signed up to be part of the pro bono project next semester. I was able to be placed in my first choice (International Human Rights), so I'm really excited about that. I have no idea what exactly I'll be doing, but I know I'll be working with a group called Freedom Now in DC that works to free political prisoners, and that it will be freaking awesome, and fun, and I'll hopefully be useful to society. :D Anyway, I'm going to be very busy next semester, but I'm excited!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
I Put a Spell on You!
What do you think? I also had on one of those big ass wristbands she wears, but you can't see it in this picture. Anyway, I think I did pretty good for being on a budget. People even recognized me! I was so excited when people would come up and say "Abby Sciuto, right?" Anyway, I had a lot of fun getting all dressed up and dying my hair. I used the spray dye, and it got everywhere! After the party, I went home and took a shower. I should've taken a picture of my bathroom. There was black everywhere: the sink, the bath, the walls, the floor. I don't even know how it managed to get all over everything, but it certainly did, and it was kind of hard to get off the tile, but it was so worth it!
Anyway, a girl in my class had a pre-game, so I went to that with a few friends. Afterwards we headed to the party at the law school. Yeah! It was so fun. They were playing loud club music, and I got to dance my little heart out. It was so fun! I ended my night way too early though. I was at the school for about an hour, and then I just felt like death, so I went home, so that was kind of a bummer.
Still, I got to do everything I wanted this Halloween. I dressed up as Abby Sciuto, and people recognized me without prompting (in fact, a few people came up to me and said "Abby from NCIS, right?", and I said "Yes!" and we'd talk for a few minutes about the show, and then they'd introduce themselves and I'd say, "My name is Abby. Really. My name is Abby."), and I got to go the school party and dance. So even though I ended the evening being violently ill, it was still a pretty good Halloween. Oh, and I watched Hocus Pocus tonight. I love Halloween.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Aim for the flattop!
It doesn't look like I'm smiling, but really I am! My skin is just glowing too brightly... Anyway, it was a great weekend!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I bet I get a job before Jeff gets out of that coma.
Anyway, the test was... I don't know. It's hard to gage how I feel about it. Law school is in love with the curve, so my grade depends on everyone else's grade. I really hate that. Anyway, it's over now! Now I just have to wait to get my score! I think I'm more nervous about that then I ever was about actually taking the test. Is that weird?
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Hakunah Matata
It was a great hike, and I had a lot of fun. I'm glad someone finally agreed to go with me! There are actually quite a few hikes in the area, and the Adirondacks are only like an hour or so away, so I'll have to go check those out someday as well! Anyway, here are a couple of pictures from the hike. Enjoy!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sorry. Could you come back later? We're trying to escape.
Michelle and I both agreed that Massachussetts has a different feel to it. Granted, I was only like twenty minutes from the border of New York, but it felt kind of quaint. Albany isn't quaint. It's more.... um.... experienced. Anyway, Boston is only three hours away, so hopefully someday in my three year sojourn here in Albany, I'll make it out to Boston!
This weekend I had my first experience as an attorney! Sort of. I volunteered for the pro se divorce clinic in Mechanicville, NY. I worked with another student, and we filled out divorce papers for clients who couldn't afford attorneys. It was interesting. It was a great experience not only to have to deal with all of that paperwork but also to get to interact with a client and explore that relationship. I've also learned a bit about divorce law, in New York anyway.
It's definitely fall here. My apartment is cold! My landlords control the heat, and they haven't turned it on yet... I am very grateful for the big heavy quilts I have (all of which, by the way, were made for me by a family member. My family is amazing!!!!). I'm so glad my family knows how to make quilts because if they didn't, I'd freeze to death! But I stay nice and warm every night. It's in the morning that I get cold! The library is pretty warm though, so it works out. Anyway, the leaves are starting to change, and it's pretty. Honestly, it kind of reminds me of Logan. I'll take some pictures and post them so you can all see fall in upstate New York.
Anyway, just thought I'd share my driving adventure! I miss all of you!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
If I miss that 20 midget free for all, I'm gonna be super pissed.
These were my humble attempts at showing how many people were there. There's this great spot about half way down lark street where the street starts to go downhill that would have been a great picture, but I was too short to see over everyone's heads. Oh well.
Anyway, so essentially Lark Fest is really just a craft fair. There were people there selling all kinds of stuff: jewelry, clothes, food, hats.
This is a friend and I wearing these cute little animal hats. They were actually really warm... Anyway, so there was lots of selling and buying and I had yummy pizza from a little joint called Soho Pizza.
There were definitely some characters there, though. I saw my first ever tranny. That's probably not the politically correct term, but whatevs. I don't think this person was particularly worried about it. When I asked if I could take a picture, they were more than happy to pose.
This isn't a very good picture. Sorry... Anyway, it actually wasn't a little iguana; it was rather large. And it looked like there was a little leash around his neck, so....
Albany also has this population of bottle collecters. By the way, tangent, NY doesn't have a sales tax on food, but they do on things in recyclable containers, like coke. Five cents extra for every bottle. Supposedly it's to motivate people to recycle so they can get their five cents back. I do recycle, but I don't get my five cents back. Anyway, so there are quite a few people around that collect bottles so they can turn them in for the money. You'll see them walking down the street with a cart full of bottles and cans or a giant trash bag. They were out in full force at Lark Fest because there were lots of recyclable containers being disposed of.
Albany has a.. um... horse force? Anyway, there were a ton of cops at Lark Fest, but at a few of the intersections, there were cops on horses!Kinda cool, right? There were lots of people there taking pictures of themselves petting the horses. I'm not sure how the police felt about the photo op... still, it was kinda cool to see horse cops, or equestrian force, or whatever.
So Lark Fest was definitely an adventure. I'm glad I went! It was a lot of fun. I didn't buy any of the crafts, but it was fun to look at what was there. There were a lot of different booths with lots of different kinds of merchandise. And Nephi, if you ever come out to Albany in September, I'll take you to Lark Fest. We can take your picture with the tranny. Or the iguana.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wee wee! Pee pee!
I read an article today on npr that made me exceedingly angry. The CEO of CNN got fired (that didn't make me angry. I have no personal feelings about the CEO of CNN, although it does suck for him that he got fired. Anyway), so the article talked about how all of the news channels had a dwindling audience but CNN's audience was dwindling the fastest because people are increasingly gaining a preference for news that has been filtered through strong partisan biases. What? Are you kidding me? People would rather be lied to than hear the truth? Seriously? I can't even grasp that concept. Why would you want filtered bullshit rather than facts?
My poor mother has heard me rant about news talk show hosts for ages. I really hate them. Both sides. I hate that they portray themselves as journalists when they're really just entertainment and they deliver news that has been filtered through strong partisan biases and, a large majority of the time, is complete and total bullshit. And now NPR is telling me that's what people want? People want to be lied to, they want news organizations to spoonfeed them bullshit to further the agendas of a few wealthy men? Why would you want that? It's not even self-serving.
If a well-meaning politician announces that he's supporting a bill that says, I don't know, all eggs must come from free-range chickens, and then the egg companies funnel money into a particular news organization and then have those talk show hosts tell you that this politician is trying to turn your children into pot-smoking hippies (instead of the true motivation that, I dunno, free-range chickens are happy and happy chickens make healthier eggs), you'd rather hear the pot-smoking hippie spin? Even though it's stupid, supported by no empirical data, and told to you by someone who is paid by someone who has millions of dollars to gain by keeping their chickens in cages?
That's what npr is saying to me. People would rather hear something that doesn't even make sense then hear the truth and support something that might actually make healthier eggs or whatever the case may be. Why do people want to hear news filtered through strong partisan biases? On both sides. Conservative, liberal, it doesn't matter, if your information is being filtered through that partisan bias, you're being lied to. Why would you want to be lied to? How can we hold our congresspeople accountable and be active members of our own democratic government if we don't know what's really going on because our news organizations are lying to us?
We get so angry when we find out about politicians who are lining their pockets with money from corporate donors. Shouldn't we have the same standard for our news organizations? Journalists play an extremely important role in government. Their job is to make sure we know what the hell is going on, to make sure that the government knows that they can't screw around because if they do, we'll find out (thanks to the journalists) and march through the streets with their heads on a stick. Their metaphorical heads.
I'm tired of it. I'm tired of politicians being self-serving ass holes. I'm tired of news organizations allowing themselves to be overtaken by corporations, wealthy siblings, and oil tycoons. I'm tired of news talk show hosts lying through their damn teeth to spread an agenda that benefits two people and screws the rest of us. Most of all, I'm tired of people believing the bullshit. If everyone took the intitiative, or Heaven forbid journalists actually did their job, to research out a subject and find the facts, it doesn't mean we would all come to the same conclusion. What it does mean, is that we would all have the facts, the truth of the matter, and we could come together as a community to find the best possible solution, one that we could all live with and maybe even be happy about. We could work together, stop worrying about party lines and all that bullshit, and actually work together to make our community - our society - a better place, a place we could all be happy living. What a damn concept.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
You better lose yourself in..the moment you own it
I just finished reading a friend's blog. She has a little boy and another one on the way. She wrote a blog about how her son is starting the whole potty train adventure. Then I had one of those "I live on a different planet" moments. The type of moment where I don't wonder how my life would be if I had made different choices. I don't wish I could have a different life. And that brings me to the realization moment: I am where I am supposed to be. And I am happy.
I wish I could say that 'happy' in this instance meant jubilance or everlasting joy. I haven't found my calling yet, but it's somewhere and I'm on the right path. Today, happy means being in that moment, the clarity of the knowledge that flutters throughout my mind and my soul. In that moment, I am who I am supposed to be, who I dream of being. The manifestation of that moment, the certainty that I feel, is freeing and beautiful.
It is ironic that I find clarity in moments when I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. I don't think it matters. Today, I'm sure. I'm sure that I'm supposed to be not just at law school, but at this law school, living in this apartment. And that's enough. Today, I'm right where I want to be, right where I need to be. And I'm happy.
Someone ask me during finals week if I still feel happy.... And bring me a bag of candy corn.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Are You A Fan of Delicious Flavor?
Here it is friends, proof that I tried sushi. Ok, I didn't really try sushi; I got California rolls, but they have crab meat in them, so that counts, right? I even tried dipping them in soy sauce. They were awful. My digestive system did not appreciate that particular adventure, all though the edamame (I don't know how to spell it...) was really good. I might even try and make that someday. It seemed pretty simple....
Moral of the story: Vietnamese food=tasty. Sushi=not tasty. In my humble opinion, anyway. So those are my food adventures this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes when I finally try curry!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Let it Rock
Anyway, now that I've proclaimed my everlasting love for my home, I can tell you how much I'm enjoying New York. I've always wanted to experience something different from what I've known, and I definitely am experiencing something different from what I've known. I'm used to red rock; I'm not sure these people even have rocks, red or otherwise, just lots of trees. It's pretty though. I'm hoping to get some friends together when the leaves turn and hike some trails in the Adirondacks. In SG, night is quiet and you can see the stars. In Albany, the night is not quiet and everyone gathers on Pearl Street or Lark Street or a few other scattered places around town. Albany is never quiet.
Parking in Albany is atrocious. There is no where to park. Most of the apartments don't even have off street parking. Mostly, that means I walk everywhere. People park on the side of the street, but the streets are so narrow that the parked cars almost make the street into a single lane. Sometimes one car will have to stop and inch over so the other car can get around them. And people just stop in the middle of the road. It's so weird. I've learned not to wait because you never know how long they'll be sitting there. People just go around them, sometimes going into the other lane of traffic (usually there isn't anyone coming). If my car survives my 3 year sojourn here in Albany, it'll be a miracle.
I've had some new experiences here in New York. I went to a gay bar. Not as a patron, I just really had to pee and they had the closest bathroom. I've learned you can't smile at people you don't know here. In SG, I smile or say hello to everyone I pass, you know, just being friendly. Here, though, if I smile at a guy I don't know he thinks I'm hitting on him. They're not super charming. Maybe I'm just hard to please. They say really stupid stuff, and it's just awkward. So, I reserve my smiles for people I know. I feel so unfriendly...
I went to a dance club last night. Admittedly, that's not a "new" experience, but it was my first club in New York. All of the people I went with have either lived or visited New York City, and they all informed me that Jillian's was not a club. We're all gonna go to NYC sometime so they can show me what a real club is. I had fun though. I'm really bad at it, but I love to dance, so I had a blast.
I watched a football game on Thursday night. That was new too; I'm not really into football, but it was fun. There was a lot of excitement in the air. The Saints won, so I guess that's good... Everything here is so much more expensive than it is in Utah (Except internet. Random..) I went to a movie last weekend, and it cost me $10.75! That's $3.00 more than Utah. Holy Shit. And they don't even have a student discount. The nerve.
My classes are constantly offering new experiences. Some of the cases we've been reading are really interesting; some, not so much. Some of them make me really angry, and some fill me with a sense of justice served. In Contracts we read a case where a local union sued United States Steel for breach of contract, among other things (they lost); in Torts we've moved on to false imprisonment and intentional infliction of emotional distress (Seriously, you can sue people for that.) We read a case about this poor old man who gets accused of stealing an ascot, but he didn't steal it and sues the store for false imprisonment (he won.) In Civil Procedure, we're reading cases about personal jurisdiction (whether a court has the authority to hear the case based on "presence" or "consent"). We read about a case where Arnold Schwarzzaneger sued some poor schmuck from Ohio for using his image without his consent. The schmuck files a motion to dismiss saying California didn't have personal jurisdiction (He won. Schwarzzaneger then sued him in Ohio. I think they settled).
Anyway, all things considered, I'm really enjoying my time here. I'm meeting new people and trying new things. Everyday brings a new adventure, and I love that. It's hard to be so far from home, though, and sometimes I get really homesick. I love to get news from home! (Translation: Feel free to send me pictures, emails, texts, calls, and/or warm fuzzy thoughts!) In conclusion: I love it here; I really miss home; People think Utahns are weird; I don't give a damn that people think Utahns are weird; I'm gonna rock this city! After it's done rocking me. :)
Friday, August 27, 2010
Mrs. Pickles is her full name. Although, I'm not actually sure if cats can marry outside of Boston
I only have one class on Fridays and it was cancelled, so today I had zero classes, which was wonderful. I took the time to relax and do nothing. Ok, ok, I did a few things. I got my financial aid check so now I won't starve to death. I'm pretty happy about that. Anyway, I'm sure you're all dying to know what they teach us in law school, so here's a bit about the classes I'm taking (mind you, I've only been in school for a week, so I really have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, but just go with it.)
Ok, in contracts we've started talking about the three basic principles in regards to contract law: bargain, reliance, and restitution. Right now we're reading cases that address, for the most part, the bargain principle. Last class we started discussing the difference between a bargain and a gift. It seems like such an easy distinction to make, but legally it's a damn nightmare. These people are obsessed with definitions. That's one thing I've learned this week, every word counts: how you use them, when you use them, and how you punctuate them. Honestly, even words like 'and' and 'or' can totally change the meaning of a rule. Calls for a very aggressive reading approach. I'm also fairly certain that, upon graduating from law school, I'll have perfect grammar.
Anyway, I'm also taking a torts class. My teacher in this class, Professor Lytton, is very energetic. I really like him. I think he's a good teacher, but he has a very aggressive teaching approach and he gets so animated. It's a little frightening. Anyway, we're learning about the intentional tort of battery right now. It's been pretty interesting. I've been studying for that class tonight, reading the cases for Monday, and I feel like I'm never gonna figure this shit out. But I think I'm starting to understand how to read a case, so that's good.
I'm also taking an introduction to lawyering class. This is the class where we get to take a fictional case from initial client interview to appeal. The first day Professor Queenan sent around a sheet, and we could sign up to represent either the plaintiff or the defendant, without knowing anything about the case. (Not that it would have mattered seeing as that was only our second day of law school). Anyway, I signed up to represent the plaintiff. On Thursday she told us a little bit more about the case. All we know is that it's a case about the whistleblower statute. I'm kind of excited about this and glad I signed up to represent the plaintiff (the whistleblower in this case). I really hope my client doesn't turn out to be an ass hole.
The last class I have is Federal Civil Procedure. Everyone says this is one of the hardest classes your first year. I've only been once, and I can see why. My torts professor has this quote on our class website "The law never is, it is always about to be." Benjamin N. Cardozo. That makes it a difficult thing to learn. There are so many rules: state statutes, federal statutes, case law, and these rules are constantly being amended or reversed. And we're supposed to learn them in civ pro. Whew. It's an exercise for the mind, that's for sure.
All of my professors seem pretty nice, and I've got a study group which will help a ton. Truthfully, I'm enjoying school so far. It's hard. It's kicking my ass, but I feel like I'm learning which is why I'm here, so that's good. I do have to say though, the few cases I've read thus far have convinced me that the world is filled with ass holes and morons. Hopefully next week will read some more encouraging cases.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Report back to me when it makes sense
Sunday, August 22, 2010
It is my intention to commandeer a ship of the fleet, pick up a crew in Tortuga, and raid, plunder, and pillage my weasly black guts out.
Living room again. I really like that little shelf. This is my dining room. It's more of a dining nook, really.
Here is my kitchen. It's kinda small, but it suffices. PS I do have an oven, it's just not in the picture.
This is my computer/study/second bedroom. Can you see that giant stack of textbooks next to my chair? Now there's something to look forward too. :P
My bedroom is actually kind of big. It's also kind of empty, so I figured one picture was enough. Ignore the unmade bed please...
So there's my apartment. Isn't it lovely? I think so. I should have taken a picture of the doors. They have those old school locks like you see sometimes in movies, like the chains. I had never seen one until I moved in. I don't have any carpet either which makes it so very easy to clean. Anyway, I way love my apartment.
Tomorrow I, officially, begin my new academic adventure. I'm kind of excited. It'll be fun to find out what my classes will be like. There are a few clubs I think might be kind of fun, so I'll go check those out this week. Hopefully, I'll stay pretty busy. Like I say, I worked really hard to get here, and I intend to get the most out of my experience. And hopefully be smart when I'm done.
Friday, August 13, 2010
A Tom Wallbanger Bloody Sunrise on the Beach
Albany is.... bipolar. Or my attitude towards Albany is, rather. I think I'm kind of starting to figure out where things are. I know how to get from my apartment to the school and from my apartment to Wal-mart, so I'm good, right? It can be very confusing, and New Yorkers drive, well, haphazardly. I may drive like a bat out of hell, but I do not stop wherever I like and hope no one hits me. I'll have to learn that fine skill while I'm here. After I learn my way around, of course.
I really love my apartment. A lot. Except that I have no furniture. I'm currently sitting on the floor of my living room, but hopefully tomorrow I'll acquire a couch. I do have a bed. Yeah!! I got a mattress and a frame for $50, and I felt super happy about that, especially because it means I get to sleep in my apartment tonight but don't have to sleep on the floor. Yeah. :) Tomorrow I will be getting a futon and a dresser and hopefully some other stuff. I'm pretty excited about the futon. Now you can all come and visit me and sleep on my futon. :)
Anyway, it has been a full, crazy, very long week. I am exceptionally glad to be in Albany finally. I miss St. George (and all who live there) so much I can feel it in my bones, but I'm glad to be here. It's strange how different everything is, but so far everyone has been nice and I have high hopes that I'll be able to figure out the ins and outs of Albany...eventually. While I'm here, I also hope to teach these fine Easterners what a yard sale is and where it should take place. So I'll teach them some good stuff and they can teach me some good stuff. When it's all over I'll be a glorious mixture of both coasts, I'm sure. Like a Tom wallbanger bloody sunrise on the beach.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Are we there yet?
At any rate, it's been a pretty good day. We made it to our goal destination without incident, saw some beautiful scenery, and experienced what it would feel like to drive through the ocean, except without the sharks. Tomorrow, Kansas. Oh hell.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Drink up me hearties, yo ho!
Friday was my last day at work. It was an almost perfect last day. My coworkers had a luncheon for me, which was a lot of fun, and I really appreciated. The endo (endoscopy) girls gave me a little mug with candy and a card, which I also appreciated. It's nice to be acknowledged. I really liked my job, and I'm going to miss the lab. Mostly.
All in all, there's a lot I'm going to miss. Occupational hazard of moving to the other side of the country, I guess. But hey, go big or go home, right? I'm really excited for this new adventure. I'm nervous about all the newness, the distance, the schoolwork. But I'm excited to get started. There's a very big part of me that thinks I'm going to start law school and turn out to be a moron, but there's a little part of me that thinks maybe I can do this. It's nice to have so much support for the little voice, makes it easier to hear.
This time tomorrow I'll be.... somewhere else. It's very surreal, going from comfort and familiarity to a foreign land with foreign people and foreign food (you should see the size of their pizza. It's bigger than my head. Seriously, who eats that much pizza?). But it's good. Like I say, I love St. George, I always have. It's my home, and I love the scenery. New York is green and pretty, but Southern Utah has red rocks and Aspen forests, Pine Valley and Cedar Mountain, Snow Canyon and Zions. Beat that east coast. Though my love for this land is everlasting, I still have to leave. And as much as I wish I could stay, I feel pretty good about what I'm doing and where I'm going. I have friends and family who love me, even if they're far away. And I know when I'm ready to rip my hair out, I can call them and they will talk me out of any spontaneous balding episodes. Truthfully, I'm getting really excited to start school, and I'm really excited to move into my new apartment. It's gonna be great! It's a beautiful life, and I intend to live it. This is my next big adventure, and I'm definitely ready for a new adventure.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
What do you do with a drunken sailor, early in the morning?
It was a great hike, and I had a lot of fun. Oh, and by the way, you put him in a row boat until he's sober. :D
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I feel like I should say something clever..
I'm starting to get really excited about school. It's gonna kick my ass, but it will be good to feel like I'm going in a direction again, hopefully the right one. I love my job, but I don't want to be a lab assistant forever, and I've always wanted to go to law school, even as a little girl. I was a very strange child, but I've wanted to be an attorney since I decided being a cowgirl didn't count as an actual career. Seriously though, this is what I've wanted to be for as long as I can remember, even predating my cowgirl fascination. Now that I'm finally moving toward that dream, I feel...butterflies. Really big ones. And I love it.
Left leg, right leg. Your body will follow. They call it walking.
I've seriously considered abandoning my dream of becoming an attorney and living with my mother forever. Well, maybe not forever. Maybe I'll move out and be a dog lady (I can't be a cat lady. I hate cats.) I'm kind of afraid I'm going to show up at orientation and then everyone will find out that I'm dumb. That would really ruin my weekend.
Truthfully, I think orientation will be good... hopefully. In theory, it's supposed to teach us how to be law students: what to expect, what our professors expect, how to read and brief a case, all that jazz. Plus they have this smarmy swearing in toast scheduled for the end of orientation. So that should be... fun. At any rate, it will give me a chance to meet my fellow classmates and my future professors and learn how to accept a new identity and run with it, as it were. So now that my brain has recovered from all the expletives it was spewing out, I'm getting a little excited about the whole thing. Hopefully I won't turn out to be dumb. If I do, will someone buy me a dog?
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Does this make me look fat?
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Let the Games Begin!
That's a picture of the outside. My apartment is the one on the bottom right. It's gonna be great!
My mother and I have started packing, and I have realized I have a lot of shit. A lot. So if you need any furniture or any other assorted items, let me know. I probably have at least one of whatever you need that I will not be taking with me to NY. :) Anyway, that's all for now. Only 29 days!